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SQuirrel SQL Client

SQuirrel SQL Client

Javaで動作するSQL Client



  1. ファイル -> 新規セッション・プロパティ -> SQLタブ開く
  2. 自動コミットSQLのチェックを外す


 @echo off
 call setpathjava
 @rem IZPACK_JAVA is filtered in by the IzPack installer when this script is installed
 @rem We detect the java executable to use according to the following algorithm:
 @rem 1. If the one used by the IzPack installer is available then use that; otherwise
 @rem 2. Use the java that is in the command path.
 if exist "%IZPACK_JAVA%\bin\javaw.exe" (
   set LOCAL_JAVA=%IZPACK_JAVA%\bin\javaw.exe
 ) else (
   set LOCAL_JAVA=javaw.exe
 echo Using java: %LOCAL_JAVA%
 set basedir=%~f0
 set removed=%basedir:~-1%
 set basedir=%basedir:~0,-1%
 if NOT "%removed%"=="\" goto strip
 set SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME=%basedir%
 @rem Check to see if we are running in a 1.6/1.7 JVM and inform the user if not and skip launch. versioncheck.jar 
 @rem is a special jar file which has been compiled with javac version 1.2.2, which should be able to be run by 
 @rem that version of higher.  The arguments to JavaVersionChecker below specify the minimum acceptable version 
 @rem (first arg) and any other acceptable subsequent versions.  <MAJOR>.<MINOR> should be all that is 
 @rem necessary for the version form. 
 "%LOCAL_JAVA%" -cp "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\lib\versioncheck.jar" JavaVersionChecker 1.6 1.7 1.8
 if ErrorLevel 1 goto ExitForWrongJavaVersion
 @rem If the changelist.xml file isn't present or the downloaded update jars don't exist, skip launching the updater - these files are created by the 
 @rem software update feature inside of SQuirreL. So their absence, simply means the software update feature hasn't been accessed.
 if not exist "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\update\changeList.xml" goto launchsquirrel
 SET TMP_CP="%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\update\downloads\core\squirrel-sql.jar"
 if not exist %TMP_CP% goto launchsquirrel
 dir /b "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\update\downloads\core\*.*" >"%TEMP%\update-lib.tmp"
 FOR /F "usebackq" %%I IN ("%TEMP%\update-lib.tmp") DO CALL "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\addpath.bat" "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\update\downloads\core\%%I"
 SET UPDATE_PARMS=--log-config-file "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\update-log4j.properties" --squirrel-home "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
 "%LOCAL_JAVA%" -cp %UPDATE_CP% -Dlog4j.defaultInitOverride=true -Dprompt=true net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.update.gui.installer.PreLaunchUpdateApplication %UPDATE_PARMS%
 @rem build SQuirreL's classpath
 set TMP_CP="%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\squirrel-sql.jar"
 dir /b /s "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\lib\*.*" >"%TEMP%\squirrel-lib.tmp"
 dir /b /s "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\libOption\*.*" >>"%TEMP%\squirrel-lib.tmp"
 FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%I IN ("%TEMP%\squirrel-lib.tmp") DO CALL "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\addpath.bat" "%%I"
 SET TMP_PARMS=--log-config-file "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\log4j.properties" --squirrel-home "%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%" -userdir="%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%\profile" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
 @rem -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true prevents performance problems on Win32 systems. 
 @rem Run with no command window. This may not work with versions of Windows prior to XP. 
 @rem Remove 'start "SQuirreL SQL Client" /B' for compatibility only if necessary 
 start "SQuirreL SQL Client" /B "%LOCAL_JAVA%" -Xmx256m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -cp %SQUIRREL_CP% -splash:"%SQUIRREL_SQL_HOME%/icons/splash.jpg" net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.Main %TMP_PARMS%



  • クラスパス作成時の検索対象に libOption を追加
  • クラスパス作成時のdirコマンドに/sオプションを追加
  • クラスパス作成時のFor コマンドに tokens=* を追加
  • クラスパス作成時のパス指定を変更
  • SQuirrel SQL 起動時のオプションに userdir を追加

[カテゴリ: ツール > 開発]
[カテゴリ: データベース]


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最終更新時間:2015年05月18日 22時05分59秒